

近日,路透社发布了一篇以“不接种就交钱”为题的报道称,加拿大魁北克省宣布,计划向拒绝接种新冠疫苗的成年人缴纳“健康税”(”health contribution”),征收数额尚未确定,因医疗问题无法接种疫苗者将被豁免。路透认为,这是一个罕见且有争议的举措(a rare and controversial move)。


Unvaccinated people put a financial burden on others and the provincial finance ministry is determining a “significant” amount that unvaccinated residents would be required to pay, Legault said, adding that such an amount would not be less than C$100 ($79.50).



据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报道,魁北克省卫生厅厅长克里斯蒂安·杜贝(Christian Dube)12日表示,在这一消息宣布后的几个小时内,预约进行首次疫苗接种的人数激增。

One day after the Canadian province of Quebec announced it would financially penalize residents who are unvaccinated, the province’s health minister said Wednesday first-time appointments spiked in the hours following the announcement.

杜贝还在推特上发文写道“令人鼓舞!”(”It’s encouraging!” ) 。他表示,11日预约首次疫苗接种的人数是几天来最高的。魁北克省排队接种疫苗的民众。

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he wouldn’t weigh in on whether Quebec’s financial penalty for the unvaccinated was good policy, saying he needed to see further details.



加拿大卫生部长杜克洛斯(Jean-Yves Duclos)13日表示,魁北克省征收“健康税”的新措施不会违反加拿大卫生法,疫苗接种是摆脱大流行的方法,而强制令在加拿大历来是一种有用的工具。


“We have also demonstrated at the federal level that vaccine mandates work, 99% of public servants, almost 99% of public servants at the federal level are either fully vaccinated or soon to be fully vaccinated,” Duclos said at a news conference in Ottawa on Wednesday.


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